Rescue, reassurance, and recovery of projects and organisations

Asking for help and advice can be daunting. We offer free services to concerned business leaders who need professional advice and input.

We investigate projects and teams, organisations, and communities, and offer discrete and honest feedback and consulting.

After-hours communication

Sensitive and discrete discussions about concerns

Business and organisation rescue experts

Boost executive capability and organisational success

Project resources and funding

Discounted and pay-someday experts for struggling budgets

Solution audit and design

Build trust and adoption by aligning to stakeholder needs

When and who to call for project and business support

You've made the most important step in the road to success by searching for help. The rest is easy with the correct support and resources.

Availability and hours of operation

Our rescue team is always available even if limited to a consulting capacity. We make ourselves available outside business hours.

Call us between 6:30am and 7:30pm. Be sure to avoid calling from a number managed by a workplace if you aim to keep the discussion confidential.

Free support and advice for project members, stakeholders, and leaders

Our services are free to those seeking help for the first time. We may begin to charge once we have established a need for our services and an agreement has been made between the project sponsors and our rescue team.